Sports Performance. I think we know it when we see it, or more importantly have our own
definition. It was an easy name to decide on. We wanted to help athletes, parents, coaches,
and all interested parties improve sports performance.

“Why?” you might ask. Simple, because we believe sports are more than just silly games meant
for children and diversions for old people. They are contests where we learn about ourselves
and others. Sports bring us together and can tear us apart, they can mean nothing and
everything all at once. They are a healthy outlet for building bodies and allowing us to strive for
greatness and something greater than ourselves. Sports encapsulate the struggle we all face in
life in an environment we can learn from.

If you can’t tell we’re passionate about this. So, what is our definition of sports performance?
Mine (Sammy) is a combination of physical, mental, and emotional performance that leads to
success. I did a quick search, and this is what I found:

“Sport performance is highly dependent on the health- and skill-related components of fitness
(power, speed, agility, reaction time, balance, and Body Composition coordination) in addition
to the athlete's technique and level of competency in sport-specific motor skills.”

While this is a good description, I think it fails because it’s limited to physical capabilities. At the
end of the day, we can all have a different definition of success and even that may be
dependent on the situation. When athletes are young success may be development, when
athletes are professionals, success is most likely winning.

Judging any game by the score is easy. It’s there for everyone to see, but we lose nuance and
the bigger picture. That doesn’t mean winning isn’t important. Athletes must develop and learn
to win as well. There is often a fine line a youth coach must walk and how they are going to
judge performance. Hopefully, we can provide insights to help.

We are excited for this journey and to share what we know, think we know, and learn along the
way. Thank you for joining us.